

Men's Journal

Men's Journal

Men's Journal September 2010

Men's Journal September 2010

Dallas Morning News


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gas Stop #7

Gas stop #7 went well. 3 minutes and 29 seconds at 4 am cst was moving pretty fast we thought. A couple of things we have noticed at this point. The bugs that are hitting our windshield are really small birds. The front of our car would be a dream bug collection for some, because every known species in the Western United States is on either our windshield or bumper. Praise the Lord for the glass in our windshield. I can't even imagine Beverly Hillbillying it on a trip like this. Dental Floss anyone?

Secondly there are a lot of deer and such on the roads at this time of night. I grew up in rural Missouri and I have seen my fair share of animals crossing the street, but nothing like this. I was in India a couple of years ago and when they drive down the road they are constantly honking the horn to keep people from walking out in front of the cars and getting killed. We might as well be driving a cab in Delhi because I think we just shorted out our horn. Ha Ha! Shout out to my friend in India. Hello Baba!! He and his family run an orphanage/mission for about 100 boys in northen India.

More to come.....We'll be on WFAA around 6:45 cst. Thank you WFAA! Stay tuned.


  1. Hi Guys, it's Linda Stovall. I think you are all three a little nutty, but what does it say about me that I LOVE reading your blogs! I was out of town for 1 day and couldn't wait to get back to see how your trip was going. Jay, I have always admired you for many reasons, and living your dreams is one of them!

  2. You need to take a picture at the end of the trip of the bumper and windshield. Caption: "Record breaking can be bUGLY"
